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Your Make Up Questions Answered By Make Up Artist Jemma Kidd

Find out what celebrity Make-up artist Jemma Kidd said about dehydrated skin, contouring, eyelash curlers and blushers.

Amanda Byram On Skincare

I am often asked about my skincare routine and the products I use on a daily basis, and I am...

Your Natural Beauty. Anti-Ageing Rules

Embrace your natural beauty! Nutritionist Marianna Sulic gives advice on how to embrace your beauty naturally.

Beauty From The Inside Out

Now that Summer is here Nutritionist Marianna Sulic shares her top diet tips on foods that feed your skin, hair and nails!

THEBEAUTYHAUL. Surviving The Cold Spell

Bella Binns aka @thebeautyhauler posted a piece on her blog today about how she survives with her nightmare dry skin...

Top Tips For Healthy Winter Skin

Dehydration, the loss of too much fluid from your body, isn’t just a worry in summer. It is just as easy to get dehydrated in cold dry air. In fact, with the added factor of alcohol consumption increasing as we approach festive party season, I’d go as far as saying that dehydration is even more of an issue in winter than in summer when we are much more aware of quenching our thirst at regular intervals.